What’s The One Thing You Want Most For Your Business Right Now?


What would you do if I asked you what the one thing you want most for your business right now is … and gave you 20 seconds to answer?  What would your knee-jerk answer be?  More speaking opportunities?  Paid speaking gigs? More coaching clients?  Expanding your client network? Your book-in-progress to magically finish itself?  More money/time/results/growth?  Those are all actual answers I’ve received, but when I follow up with, “And what’s your plan to accomplish that?” I’m inevitably met with silence and a blank, deer-in-the-headlight stare.

If you want a better business result, that one really important goal, what are you willing to do to get it?  By when?

Change. It’s always nerve-wracking.  But you just have to buckle down and commit to it.  Yes – plan, focus, commit and do the work. If you want better results, you need a solid plan.  It needs to be well thought out, with the right people doing the work to sell your product or service. Think of all the “moving parts” and hard-working, creative people needed to grow and succeed in business. In life.

The most difficult part of this process?  Getting out of your own way.  As a fellow solopreneur, I know all too well the reality of how painful it can be to step back and hand the reins over to others, with more expertise and knowledge, for a particular part of a project.  We’re used to trying to do everything ourselves but the fact is, there are only so many hours in the day (something you will hear from me time and again in these articles) and no one person is an expert at every single part and piece of their business.  You may be a truly inspirational coach, but know nothing of copywriting.  Or a world-class speaker, with little to no web design skills.  We all have our strengths, and our weaknesses.  The point is to create a plan that puts the right people doing their thing, and you have a world of freelancers available to you who are just that – experts in their respective fields.

I’m going to repeat it here – my answer when I get that deer stare – the four steps you need to take to get that one important thing:

  1. Develop Your Plan
  2. Focus Your Energy And Attention
  3. Commit – Right People In Place
  4. Work / Adjust / Adapt

Here’s the best part – once you achieve that one thing, don’t stop there!  Grow your team of freelancers, scale your plan, and start working on that second most important thing, whatever that might be.  Need help creating your plan of attack?  Let us know.  We have a variety of packages here at Create 2 Sell and we’ve helped numerous coaches, speakers, and authors over the last decade build their roadmap to success.   Contact us today and let’s get you that one thing you want most for your business right now!

Until next time, here’s to your success!

Paige Jackson

Create 2 Sell